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Hi, I'm Ashley

My daughter Grace was born April 25, 2022, the best day of my entire existence.


During my pregnancy I took the classes, downloaded the apps, bought the “must haves," sought advice, felt “ready” with years of nannying & auntie experience under my belt, but nothing prepared me for motherhood. ​


What has been the most beautiful time of my life, has also been the most anxiety ridden, due to postpartum anxiety and intrusive thoughts.

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Starting GRACE
In All Things Motherhood

Starting GRACE In All Things Motherhood happened pretty organically, essentially by creating an outlet for myself through writing, later supported by the belief that other mamas might need connection, too. It started out with a few poems in Notes on my phone, evolving into a collection that captures my own postpartum experience. I hope sharing them with you provides encouragement and reassurance that whatever you are feeling, you're not alone. My search for connectedness to other mamas in a time that can feel so isolating, led to the desire to create it. I hope that offering it in a way that is accessible allows for you to get support as you navigate your own motherhood journey. 


So, with my daughter as my inspiration, I started GRACE In All Things Motherhood to be a Growing Resource for you, that offers Access, Community and Encouragement. However you landed on GRACE In All Things Motherhood, I hope that’s exactly what you find here.

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